Hospital administrators today invest millions of dollars in state-of-the-art access control systems, surveillance cameras, training, and security teams to improve the safety on their campuses. For leaders that want to take hospital safety to the next level, NPSI’s Campus Shield is ideal.

Campus Shield dramatically reduces response time to an emergency. The system will work in any high-risk area including parking garages and large outdoor areas.
You can cover your entire campus or only specific areas; it’s up to you.
To learn more about how Campus Shield can make your hospital safer, get in touch today.
Several reasons Campus Shield may be ideal for your campus:
- Our system does not use cellular or other wireless networks which are unstable and not suitable for life/safety applications.
- Campus Shield™ delivers location information more reliably and accurately than any GPS based system, which is vital when operating in multi-story buildings or structures.
- There are no dead-zones.
- Activation is one-touch, discrete. No fumbling with smartphone buttons or finger swipes

WHAT IS CAMPUS SHIELD and how does it work?
Campus Shield is a radio-frequency (RF) technology panic button system that allows individuals to instantly and easily alert first responders to an emergency anywhere on campus. The key-fob sized panic button or PAL (personal alarm locator) travels with individuals on a lanyard or in a pocket. It works indoors and out. There are no dead zones, and it provides accurate location information whether the person in distress is in a basement, first floor classroom or third floor bathroom.

The system is activated by pressing a small, handheld device called a PAL. PAL activation is simple and discrete. People typically keep their PAL in a pocket or on a lanyard. Each PAL is assigned to a specific user, allowing first responders to identify the individual in distress.

Once a PAL is pressed, monitors at the head-end display a picture of the PAL holder, profile information, as well as the location of the emergency. If the PAL holder moves during activation, their location updates automatically at the head-end.

Monitors at the head-end display a picture of the PAL holder, profile information, as well as the location of the emergency. If the PAL holder moves during activation, their location updates automatically at the head-end.

Campus Shield is the fastest most reliable way to mobilize a response to a campus emergency.