About Us
National Protective Systems, Inc. (NPSI) has created, Campus Shield, the most effective and reliable personal duress (panic button) system available. By leveraging deep subject matter expertise in radio frequency technology and software programming, NPSI has created a system that:
- Does not rely on unstable/unreliable wireless or cellular technology.
- Has no dead zones and provides accurate location information indoors and outdoors, even in multi-story buildings.
- Is simple and easy to use; no finger swipes, passwords, or apps.
- Delivers superior performance to anything commercially available.

In our factory in New Jersey, we manufacture our own components with parts sourced from vendors based in the United States. Our team is a collection of outstanding individuals with a passion for safety and security who are committed to making your campus as safe as it can be for the people that live, work, and play there.
If you would like to learn more about how we can make your campus as safe as it can be, please contact us today.